
Bhavishya Astro

Gemini 2024 Monthly & YearlyHoroscope

Gemini January 2024 Monthly horoscope

Your old problems will continue in this month You will not find any solution of these old problems. You have to do more hard work to achieve your desired results Non-compromising attitude at work place will create new problem. Due to that you will be under the influence on tension and stress.

Gemini February 2024 Monthly horoscope

Month will give you good results. This month brings financial gains from old  investments, share market or any unexpected source. Business expansion and job change opportunities will be worth considering. Your social public image will also improve. Relatives will give you good support.

Gemini March 2024 Monthly horoscope

This is the period of earning and expense of work. You will get few more chances of earning. . Earning will increase but expense will also increase in this month. Personal life and health also needs care in this month.  

Gemini April 2024 Monthly horoscope

This month seems better in compare of last month. You will find solution of your old  professional problems.You will be full of hope and enthusiasm. If you are interested in education you might have opportunities to further education, Business expansion or job change will take place. Health of spouse will be cause of worry in family.

Gemini May 2024 Monthly horoscope

Month is very positive for professional as well as domestic  activates. If you are facing any problem in married life or active relationship this month brings solutions of problems. Some new partnership offer will come in business which can change your life. Support and love from siblings will also there.

Gemini June 2024 Monthly horoscope

This month will give you financial  gains and career growth. Your creative power, leadership and management skills will be cause of success in this month. You will take lots of interest in religious work and ancient. Admission  of children may be cause of worry for you. 

Gemini July 2024 Monthly horoscope

You may be more inclined to pursue your work. You will have lots of work your professional commitment will be fulfill in this month.. Your family members may want you to pay more attention to them, but due to busy professional life you will not able to give him too much time.

Gemini August 2024 Monthly horoscope

Position of planets indicates you will have to careful on the professional front Ibis month. If you will not careful you will not be able to maintain your last month success.  You will also face some problems on the marital front too Health needs care and habits of drink need to be kicked.

Gemini September 2024 Monthly horoscope

Planets placement  will give you mixed results in this month. . Month is good for travel and personal contact. But do not ignore your professional responsibility be little more sincere for work. You will have to change your work methods or approach on the work place.

Gemini October 2024 Monthly horoscope

Planetary combination indicates mixed results in this month. Month is good for travel and personal enjoyment. But do not ignore your professional responsibility. You will have to improve your work methods or approach on the work place.

Gemini November 2024 Monthly horoscope

Month  will give you both favorable and unfavorable results.  In the first half of the month you will feel
professional problems and unstable. You will also emotionally insecure. But in the second half of the month circumstances will rotate in your favor and you will able to consolidate your position.

Gemini December 2024 Monthly horoscope

Month will be good for you.. This month brings financial gains and professional success. If you are in job your working condition will be good no major problem on the work place is indicated. In business things will also smooth. You will spend some good time with family and friends.

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