5th Lord Placement in 12 Houses

Discover 5th House Facts & 5th Lord Placement in 12 Houses

Do you know what your past life Punya is? How it can be defined from your horoscope? If you have not heard about this yet, read this blog carefully. At Bhavishya Astro, India’s best accurate horoscope reading platform online, you will get to learn about Purba Punya Bhava, your 5th house in horoscope. Also, you…

best accurate horoscope

Vedic Astrology Provides Most Accurate Insights Than Western Astrology

When it comes to having the best accurate horoscope predictions, Vedic Astrology methods make the top. Vedic astrology has been in use since ten thousand BC. The Sanskrit word Jyotish meant the Heavenly bodies. When Western astrology counts on the tropical zodiac, Vedic astrology counts on the precise placement of constellations and uses the sidereal…