D-30 (Trimsamsa) Chart

Why You Should Know About D-30 (Trimsamsa) Chart? Discover Reasons Here

We who believe in astrology and consult with an astrologer at every step of life to conquer problems generally consider the 6th, 8th, and 12th house for problems. However, there is a specific Varga chart that identifies the exact pain points of our life and this is the D30 chart.  The chart is known as the Trimsamsa chart and it sheds light on illness, weakness (mental and physical), and challenges that we face at different points in our lives. Bhavishya Astro is a reliable online astrology platform offering a snapshot of the D30 chart with the best free horoscope reading. 

So, let us not wait anymore but delve into the discussion of the D 30 chart, the Trimsamsa chart. 


D 30 Chart Explained in Easy Way


The Trimsamsa chart is divided into 30 sections of one degree each. The chart generally focuses on the evils. The chart also talks about our vitality and strength to conquer difficulties, enemies, weaknesses, and diseases. The chart is the tapestry of misfortune that we are bound to experience on different levels, physical, mental, emotional, and psychic levels. According to BPHS, this chart is taken to determine the evil effects of our lives that we accumulate through our Karma in the past and present (through many births). It is a shadow world and is created by ourselves due to our Paap Karma. 


Next thing, this chart shows all the bad things we have done and we deserve to get punished for all those bad Karma. This is a chart that indicates how we will be taught lessons for our bad karma. So, check the 12th house of the chart to find out the way you will get punished. If Saturn occupies the 12th house, take it as a heavy lesson you are about to learn. 


The 6th and 8th houses of the chart are also important to understand how you will repay for your bad karma. If these houses are under the influence of malefic like Mars, Rahu, Ketu, or Saturn, then get ready to pay a heavy penalty to improve your Karma and get rid of bad Karma. The debt recovery period will be long and painful as well. 


Our 4th house in the chart is the 8th from our house of Dharma, the 9th house. Hence, to retain happiness and sometimes righteousness and to get rid of the cycle of disease and debt, try to be happy. A pure and clean heart is the key to achieving all sorts of happiness and peace in life. So, improve your Moon and Venus with the astrological remedies to stay healthy, happy, and free of disease. Find out the placement of the Moon and Venus in your D 30 chart and figure out the way to stay happy and healthy. If they are in the Dushtana house or malefic planets, do remedy accordingly to alleviate your physical and emotional pain. 



These are a few important points we discussed in the blog to enrich the knowledge of our readers related to the D30 chart. So, whenever you desire to have the best free horoscope reading, don’t forget to have a look at the D30 chart. Because we cannot excel until we know about our loopholes. 

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